Tax Information
Application Procedure
To apply, complete the application, then fax, mail or email the form(s) to the Adair County PVA Office at the following address:
Adair County PVA
424 Public Square
Suite 2
Columbia, KY 42728
Email -
Fax - 270-605-2205
Please be sure that you include the name of the form in the subject line of your email to ensure that it gets handled properly.
Applicant must be owner of recorded property as of January 1st of the year making the application. The application shall be valid until the property is transferred or the land use is changed.

Landon Edwards
Adair County PVA
Phone: (270) 384-3673
Fax: (270) 605-2205
Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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